Monday, December 16, 2019

Duayne Jn Baptiste Podcast

Puss Puss Podcast


  1. Oh yes! It was definitely a wonderful poem . Looking forward to your descriptive piece.

    Nasha John

  2. Alright Puss Puss!
    Very interesting poem and I believe that the students will enjoy this. The rhyme pattern and rhythm was a plus for this piece. Good work Duayne!

  3. This is so comical! Thanks for the laughter this morning. I want to commend you on your beautiful creation. The sound and graphics added some flair to this text. I can already envision the pupils having fun with this one whilst learning rhyming words.

    Views by Ylet Jn.Baptiste

  4. What an amusing poem Duayne. Well crafted. Bravo. The students will certainly enjoy this poem.

  5. This was surely worth the listen. I can foresee the students in grade three reciting this poem ever so often. Get work!

    Shaquille Aldonza

  6. This is a very interesting piece that the students will be extremely happy and interested to recite. This is a great piece to get the students attention and to increase their repertoire of rhyming words.

    Brittney Duplessis

  7. Superb job! Clear and unique introduction. Excellent use of pauses, intonation and speech. Also, I find that it is indeed grade appropriate in graphics and duration. The selection of the poem is also suitable for the grade level. Great effort!

    Ryan Bicar.

  8. Wonderful piece Duayne! This is very appropriate for the grade level and the music in the background is soothing. It allows you to feel and relate to the poem.

    Very Good!

  9. Good piece Duayne. Really captivating, I am already thinking of using this piece with my grade threes for practical teaching. Nice play on words.

    1. I am also thinking of using this piece on practical teaching, of course with Duayne's permission. This was really amusing and nicely written.

  10. Wow Duayne! Only you could write a piece like this. This was therapy for my soul. I only hope this poem was meant to be taken literally. Rhyming patterns were on point. Good job!

  11. This will no doubt draw laughter from the students. The musical rhythm and the cat crying adds to your presentation. Good job!
    Michele Clercent

  12. Good Job Duayne! I am sure that the students of grade three will enjoy this poem.

  13. Puss puss mi chat la lol. Very nice dwuayne. I like the rhythm to this poem. It was indeed comical. Reminded me of Tom and Jerry. Excellent job in putting this puss i mean piece together bro *thumbs up*
    I liked the cat sound in the background as well
    Ron Narcisse

  14. Very entertaining Duayne. I laughed until the very end. The rhythm was on point along with the images. This poem had my daughter dancing along to the rhythm and repeating puss, puss.
    Very nice

    Soria Cornibert

  15. Wonderful Duayne! I want to encourage you to share this poem with your students when you go out on practical teaching.
    This is poetry, so you could have added some drumming and voice modulation to enhance the performance.
