Sunday, December 15, 2019

Writing Philosophy

As student teachers, it is important that we practice reflecting on our teaching practices so that when we get to the classroom it makes it much easier to evaluate our teaching styles and how we cater to our students needs. What is a teaching philosophy? It’s an explanation of your values and beliefs as they relate to teaching. Since the focus on this course is on writing, our teaching philosophy will be focused on writing. At the beginning of this course we were given the task to write a poem, song or limerick on what writing meant to us. Many of us wrote beautifully crafted pieces about writing, some persons use their piece to show how much they did not like writing. Little did we know that this piece would later be used to develop our philosophy?
With the fast approaching of teaching practice, writing this philology had us to reflect on how we perceived writing instruction. Many of us felt that administering writing instruction is such a great task with many challenges attached to it. We lack confidence when it comes to this area, simply because we believe that we are not great authors. However, during the writing of our philosophy we were given the opportunity to reflect and think of how we as teachers will facilitate the process, the role we play in the teaching-learning process and most importantly how are we going to cater to the different learning styles and abilities of our students when it comes to teaching writing. Furthermore, this philosophy gave us the opportunity to reflect on knowledge, skills and attitudes which we expect from our students as it relates to writing. This part is very important with assisting student teachers with preparing mentally, since some students tend to have a negative attitude towards writing and physically, that we will provide the necessary tools to change these attitudes and mindsets. Teachers too need additional support when it comes to writing, especially with self confidence when publishing our own pieces of writings.
Preparing a writing philosophy helps you remain focused on the goals set for your students and yourself as an educator as it relates to teaching writing. You could always go back to these goals to see if they have been achieved. The philosophy should be revisited constantly because the perception of writing will change as you become more exposed to the teaching of writing. Through professional development, new strategies and techniques may arise and so it is wise to add to the philosophy the new techniques learnt. I believe that when we get back to our classrooms we should use the teaching philosophy as a way of reflecting and planning for our student’s success. After all, if we display a negative attitude towards subjects it will definitely impact the way we deliver instruction. As we prepare for teaching practice let us keep in mind our philosophy and when we get back to the classrooms and the task of teaching writing is bestowed up on us let us revisit our philosophy and use it as a guide and motivation in teaching writing to students.


  1. I have grown to realize the significance of a writing philosophy. I believe that these philosophy statements that we were tasked to write should always be revisited as they will remind us of some of our perceptions of teaching and learning, some of which may be altered as we journey through teaching. Also our pedagogical practices will be highly influenced by these philosophies and so it is imperative that we positive outlook on the teaching and learning experiences.

    Views by: Ylet Jn.Baptiste

    1. Well said... indeed keeping up this practice will definitely assist us in becoming even greater teachers.

  2. A very informative post. Upon reentry into the classroom, our writing philosophies should be frequently revisited to remind us of our views on teaching and learning to write, the goals we set for our students, the activities outlined for the implementation of our philosophies and our professional growth plan. Revisiting our writing philosophies constantly will encourage us to have a positive attitude towards writing instruction.

  3. Reflecting on our teaching skills is very important. It allows one to change various strategies and techniques to better the skill of teaching. Not only will the teacher benefit from this but also the students. The students will have a better learning experience because the teacher has decided to evaluate his r her practices which will have a positive impact on students. Every teacher must strive to improve professionally as students are trusted in their care for a quality education.

  4. Having a writing philosophy is important as a teacher of writing. It reminds you of what your initial intent was, what goals you have set for your students and how you intent to reach those goals. It also leaves room for improvement and growth of both the teacher and student.

    Brittney Duplessis
