Sunday, December 15, 2019


Poetry is an Art, where a poet is able to paint a vivid portrait of what’s on his or her mind. Using words, expressions and phrases, a poet can capture one’s imagination and arouse interest in his or her audience. Plutarch a Greek philosopher once said, “Painting is silent poetry, and poetry is painting that speaks”. We all can be great painters as we write poems to engage our students in the learning process. Furthermore, poems can be used before, during and after instruction as it can take many forms. For example, we can use a limerick to capture students’ attention before the lesson. This limerick can be related to the topic we are about to teach, thus giving the students an idea of what they are about to learn. In addition, we can teach the students how to write poems as they can use it for their studies. Students can create poems on a specific topic to help them remember the content taught during the class. In conclusion, poems are very useful and effective in pedagogy.

Title: Puss Puss
Puss is the name of my cat
Who is always laying on my mat
Oh how she loves it so much
That she growls if you touch                               
And will  stop if  only  she is pat

Puss loves to chase this old rat
Jumping from the tree she would splat
She is bearing her teeth
And would sneak like a thief
But is too slow because she is fat

Oh how I love Puss Puss my cat !
She is lovely and so very smart
When she wants to be fed
She comes purring on my leg
I’m the reason why she is so fat!


  1. Good Job Team! I agree that poems are very useful and effective in pedagogy. This is because they allow the students to express their feelings and like you said it also allow the students to remember content of complex or difficult topics that were taught. Moreover, I believe that a limerick is a simpler way to retain information from a topic because of the rhythm associated with it.

    Once again Excellent Post!

  2. Poetry allows for freedom of expression. I enjoyed reading you poem. It's simple and to the point which makes it appropriate to the lower grades or infant classes. They will definately enjoy engaging in echoing every line after the teacher. Good job !

  3. This poem was very entertaining as I read it. My curiosity was aroused from inception of reading this poem. This is what we want as educators, to arouse and maintain student interest to encourage classroom discussions and engagement. Utilizing poems can help "hook" students in what will be taught. I think this is a great tool that should be used in the classroom. Some may say that poems are too difficult for the early learners. If poems are created with the specific grade in mind and their developmental level, poems should not be difficult to comprehend even at the Kindergarten level.
    Great work!!

    Written by Soria Cornibert

  4. Very creative poem. More and more my love for poetry is increasing. This piece was very engaging. I will definitely use poems in my classroom whether it be before, during or after instruction.
    good job team!

    Nasha John

  5. Poetry is a very instrumental tool in teaching and learning process across the curriculum. Poetry can be used to teach any concept by this students will be actively engaged in their own learning.I will utilise poetry in my classroom and will encourage other educators to do the same no matter their grade level. Poetry also increases confidence in students performance

  6. I agree that students can create poems on a specific topic to help them remember the content taught during the class. This is why teachers should try to use poetry to make the content of subject interesting and have students share their understanding of various topics using poetry. It is one of the easiest ways for one to express their thoughts and feelings.

    Noelita Tench

  7. Very good play on words team! I believe that poetry brings life to the classroom just like other genres of writing do. Poetry allows free expression of self with rhyme and rhythm. Poetry is a good way of remembering concepts and make learning fun. Poetry is my favorite genre and will definitely be used in my classroom. Good job!
    Written by: Abigail Bascombe

  8. I agree with the cat- It is easy to see, LOL.
    The information part of the blog was very interesting and tied in with the poem. I must point out the fact that we as teachers, now realize that we can create our own pieces to be incorporated in our classes. Poetry can be very diverse as poems take different formats. Therefore, poems can be written to bring out any content of the writer's choice. I like the rhyming scheme in the poem above. The poem was very enjoyable and can also be taught to students in a Literacy lesson.

    Jina Jonas

  9. This poem is very amusing and engaging from the beginning to end.This poem clearly depicts the dynamic nature of poetry as it can be incorporated in the classroom not merely for entertainment but also as an instructional tool to teach a multitude of concepts.

    Views by: Ylet Jn.Baptiste

  10. A very entertaining poem. It can used during instruction to teach concepts such as verbs, words ending with 'at' and rhymes. Excellent job!

  11. Poetry is all aound us, we create poetry everyday.The songs that we sing, the arguments between neighbours are all poetry. However, many students often say that they are unable to write poems. A poem does not neccessarily has to feature rhyming words. There are various types of pems which includes Haiku poems which are three lines stanzas with 6/7/6 syllable count. The Free verse poems are the leaste defined. there is no formula or pattern, however, the writer and reader must work together to set the emotional pull, inntonation and speed.

  12. This is a very captivating piece. poetry is a very good way to allow the students to express themselves, using topics that they are interested and catchy rhyming words. the earlier they are introduced to the type of writing the more interested and open they will be to it later on.

    Brittney Duplessis
