Monday, December 16, 2019

Gammy Aurelise- Podcast

Audience: Grade 3 students 
The purpose of this piece is to persuade decision makers and school administration on the reasons why school break times should be longer.
 The persuasive piece can be used as a model by the teacher to illustrate to students the different aspects of a persuasive piece. It also allows the teacher to teach linking words and phrases which will help students connect ideas and add coherence to their pieces. This piece could give students an idea of how they should write to persuade their reader.


  1. Very interesting and informative. This is something that could be considered by ministry officials. Good job!!

  2. Very well written. I share the same sentiments as Dieanie ; ministry officials should consider having longer breaks in schools as this is not sufficient time for students to eat and interact.

    Good Job!
    Nasha John

  3. Great piece. Like the saying goes, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. in everything there must be a balance. This piece gives one a lot to think about and is very useful. Not only for ministry officials but also for teachers who want to teach their students how to write persuasive pieces.

    Brittney Duplessis

  4. Convinced! I felt that I was right by you as you speak. You brought about some excellent points to justify your reasons for convincing your audience of extended recess periods for students. Very good use of illustrations.

    Ryan Bicar.

  5. I found this text very interesting and informative. I do hope that school officials can listen in and be swayed into lengthening recess for students.

    views by: Ylet Jn.Baptiste

  6. This podcast was very enlightening. I agree with you when you said that recess periods should be a little longer and you gave substantial reasons to support this claim. You did a superb Job.

  7. Very informative Gammy, I believe this text should reach the ears of school administrators to reconsider the length of recess. Very good argument and well presented.

  8. Very strong argument Gammy. Well executed. A job well done. I hope this piece reaches your targeted audience.

  9. It would have been nice to have a longer recess time as a child. I guess it is now time to present these arguments to the Ministry. Good job!
    Michele Clercent

  10. Very Good Gammy! I loved your persuasive piece and I think this is an issue which have been talked about for years and nothing is being done in the schools about it. I think that decision makers and school administrators should really take this piece serious or since the piece targets Grade three students, I hope that they use their platforms and let the school administrators know that they need more time allocated to break.

    Well Done Gammy!

  11. Good job Gammy, I do hope this video falls on the ears of administrators and I do hope they take what is being said into consideration and make the neccessary adjustments to length of break times at school. Also, im sure the students will benefit from this amndment of break times as you have highlighted.

  12. Excellent. I will have a student pay me for this writing piece for when they are running up for school elections. The kids would love this piece Gammy. I like how you highlighted what break time is for. Principals should definitely be targeted when publishing this piece. Some schools only have 30 mins for lunch, the other 30 mins, the students are seen in the classes finishing up. The use of the pictures as well played an integral part in the success of this podcast.... Bravo!!!!

    Ron Narcisse

  13. I am in agreement to frequent breaks and longer breaks only for the lower grades because of their short attention span. The higher grades may not need frequent breaks as compared to the lower grades because of their maturity levels and longer attention span. As you rightly said, teachers, administration and policy makers should consider providing students with more frequent and longer breaks because of increased cognitive and social growth.
    This piece was beautifully crafted.

    Soria Cornibert

  14. This is a good effort Gammy. I sense that you were a bit nervous when doing the recording. To improve the podcast, you must include an introduction, add appropriate music and read a bit slower but with expression.
